CV Gregory Zacharewicz

Professeur IMT

Publications HAL

231 documents

  • Zhiying Tu, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. Developing a Web-Enabled HLA Federate Based on poRTIco RTI. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Dec 2011, Phoenix, Arizona, United States. ⟨10.1109/WSC.2011.6147940⟩. ⟨hal-00658207⟩
  • Thècle Alix, Gregory Zacharewicz, Nicolas Perry. Modèle d'analyse de la valeur de l'innovation des systèmes de produit - service. 9e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Oct 2011, Canada. pp.1-8. ⟨hal-00803157⟩
  • Thècle Alix, Gregory Zacharewicz, Nicolas Perry. Modèle d'analyse de la valeur de l'innovation des systèmes de produit - service. 9e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Oct 2011, Saint Sauveur, Canada. pp.X. ⟨hal-00637206⟩
  • Agostino Bruzzone, Claudia Frydman, Marina Massei, M. Mcginnis, Gregory Zacharewicz, et al. (Dir.). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. msc-les, pp.150, 2011, 978-88-903724-5-2. ⟨hal-00995028⟩
  • Thècle Alix, Gregory Zacharewicz. Distributed M&S for Product Service System. MAS 2011 part of I3M: The International Mediterranean & Latin American Modelling Multiconference, Sep 2011, Rome, Italy. pp.X. ⟨hal-00637208⟩
  • Gregory Zacharewicz, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, Julien Francois. Distributed Simulation Platform to Design Advanced RFID based Freight Transportation Systems. Computers in Industry, 2011, 62 (6), pp.597-612. ⟨10.1016/j.compind.2011.04.009⟩. ⟨hal-00588338⟩
  • Fuqi Song, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. An Architecture for Interoperability of Enterprise Information Systems Based on SOA and Semantic Web Technologies. 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Jun 2011, Beijing, China. pp.431-437, ⟨10.5220/0003499604310437⟩. ⟨hal-00601272⟩
  • Zhiying Tu, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. An Interoperability case development for joint UB1-HIT master programme. CEISIE2011, May 2011, Northampton, United Kingdom. pp.20-26. ⟨hal-00597504⟩
  • Zhiying Tu, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. Harmonized and Reversible development framework for HLA based interoperable application. Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation (DEVS/TMS'11) part of Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2011, Apr 2011, Boston, United States. pp.CD-ROM. ⟨hal-00584588⟩
  • Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen, Bruno Vallespir. HLA Supported, Federation Oriented Enterprise Interoperability. Ejub Kajan. Electronic Business Interoperability: Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges, IGI Global, pp.539-569, 2011, ⟨10.4018/978-1-60960-485-1.ch022⟩. ⟨hal-00514537⟩