Current position
Full Professor IMT – Ecole des Mines d’Ales (September 2018)
Teaching activities at Ecole des Mines d’Ales
Research activities at LG2IP (
IMT Mines Alès – Bâtiment M site de Croupillac – 7 rue Jules Renard – 30319 Alès cedex
HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) University of Bordeaux (2014) (Qualif. Section CNU 27 & 61 obtained in 2015)
PhD University Paul Cézanne / Aix-Marseille III (2006) (Qualif. Section CNU 27 & 61 obtained in 2007)
Engineer Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille “Industrial Informatics Engineering” (2002)
Research Domain
Enterprise Modeling and Interoperability, Modeling and Distributed Simulation, Synchronization Algorithms, HLA, Workflow, DEVS Modeling language, Multi Agents Simulation, Semantic Approaches, Ontology, ERP, BPMN.
General Information
- 25 articles published in international journals indexed with impact factors, more than 50 articles in international conferences, and 4 book chapters (
- PES/PEDR (Scientific Research Grant), since 2011, Renewed in 2015.
- CRCT (Scientific Sabbatical Grant), 6 month in January-July 2015
- Best Paper Awards : I3M 2009, IESA 2010, IWEI Workshop 2015, IEEE ICIS 2016