CV Gregory Zacharewicz

Professeur IMT

Publications HAL

231 documents

  • Thècle Alix, Grégory Zacharewicz, Bruno Vallespir. Service systems modelling and simulation: the SERGENT distributed approach. Enterprise interoperability VI, Springer International Publishing, pp.357-367, 2014, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-04948-9_30⟩. ⟨hal-01004812⟩
  • Zhiying Tu, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. Building a high-level architecture federated interoperable framework from legacy information systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2014, 27 (4), pp.313-332. ⟨10.1080/0951192X.2011.646306⟩. ⟨hal-00658181⟩
  • Fuqi Song, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. An Analytic Aggregation-Based Ontology Alignment Approach with Multiple Matchers. Jeffrey W. Tweedale and Lakhmi C. Jain. Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Engineering and Innovative Applications, Barbosa, S., pp.143-159, 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-42017-7_11⟩. ⟨hal-00853857⟩
  • Judicaël Ribault, Gregory Zacharewicz. Orchestrating the interoperability workflow within a transport simulation platform. I3M: The 10th International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference, Sep 2013, Athens, Greece. pp.MAS 49. ⟨hal-00877203⟩
  • Fuqi Song, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen. Adapting Simulation Modeling to Model-Driven Architecture for Model Requirement Verification. 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Jul 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland. pp.302-309, ⟨10.5220/0004585603020309⟩. ⟨hal-00849770⟩
  • Gregory Zacharewicz, Norbert Giambiasi. G-DEVS Model of Bottling Involved in a Interoperable Simulation. 2013 IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Jun 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia. pp.X. ⟨hal-00877202⟩
  • Gabriel Wainer, J. Mosterman Pieter, Fernando J. Barros, Gregory Zacharewicz (Dir.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium. ACM, pp.150, 2013, 978-1-62748-032-1. ⟨hal-00995016⟩
  • Hassan Bazoun, Gregory Zacharewicz, Yves Ducq, Hadrien Boyer. Transformation of extended actigram star to BPMN2.0 and simulation model in the frame of model driven service engineering architecture. DEVS 13 Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, Apr 2013, San Diego, United States. ⟨hal-00877204⟩
  • Fuqi Song, Grégory Zacharewicz, David Chen. Pattern-based core word recognition to support ontology matching. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 2013, 17 (2), pp.167-176. ⟨10.3233/KES-130270⟩. ⟨hal-01055575⟩
  • Maâmar El-Amine Hamri, Gregory Zacharewicz. Automatic generation of object-oriented code from DEVS graphical specifications. WSC '12 Winter Simulation Conference, Dec 2012, Berlin, Germany. pp.409:1--409:12. ⟨hal-00877200⟩